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Your Feedback


Mom and Dad are in their mid-eighties and like to enjoy a few drinks with dinner. There have been a few accidents and falls. Last week there was a serious kitchen fire. Thankfully, a neighbour called 911. Their blood alcohol levels were both high. Dad says it’s no big deal but he suffered from smoke inhalation and Mom was quite badly burned. How can we make sure nothing happens again?
Robin and Aldo W., Pembroke, Ontario.

Editor’s Note: It might be wise to chat with your parents and their family doctor about help at home or even the option of alternate living arrangements.



My brother’s condo neighbours are questioning the authenticity of his emotional support dog because it doesn’t wear identification. Brad’s a senior who suffers from PTSD and is not required to have identification on his dog when walking him around the neighbourhood. He’s told them the truth several times, but they are telling others he’s faking.
Barb M., Vaughan ON

Editor’s Note: Your brother’s emotional support dog is certainly no one’s business! Perhaps Brad could  contact the condo board, and ask for assistance in resolving the matter?



Over 18 months ago, my father decided to leave my mother for a younger woman. She was devastated, but thankfully she has a network of friends and a part-time job but I’m beside myself with worry, anger and frustration. I don’t really want to see my father but my kids miss their grandpa. What do you suggest?

Editor’s Note: Consider reaching out to your own network for emotional support. Perhaps your kids could have Zoom calls with grandpa where you don’t have to be directly involved.

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