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The 15 Best Ways to Calm Down When You’re Feeling Stressed

Had a tough day or feeling stressed about an upcoming event? These 15 stress-management activities will help you calm down and return to a better frame of mind.

Get Outside
If you spend a lot of time in front of a screen or even just indoors, stepping into fresh air can be restorative and uplifting in many ways. It allows you to step away from an overwhelming situation and feel more optimistic and positive. Some have linked this to the increased airflow, fewer air pollutants, and views of nature, and you only need a few minutes outside to enjoy these benefits.

Work Out
Moving your body, whether with a gentle stroll through the park, an intense weightlifting session, or a cardio class, helps release feel-good hormones that help you combat feelings of stress. If you go outside for your workout, you’ll also enjoy the benefits of fresh air, giving you two stress-reducing activities at once.

Focus on Your Breath
When we’re stressed, our breathing changes, even if we don’t notice it. Ironically, this change can further exacerbate feelings of stress or tension, creating a negative feedback loop and intensifying the negative effects of stress. Simply focusing on breathing into your belly instead of your chest can help calm your entire system and ease feelings of stress. It might help to try a breathing exercise where you count each breath or the duration of each inhale and exhale or to listen to a guided breathwork practice.

Try Yoga
Yoga allows you to connect with your breath and move your body, helping you address your stress in two powerful ways. Whether you take to the mat for five minutes or an hour, yoga can help you feel more grounded, calm, and ready to handle life’s stresses.

Like breathwork and yoga, meditation can be beneficial for improving your mindset. It allows you to be more present with how you’re feeling in your body, helping you relax the physical tensions brought on by stress, reconnect with your breath, and address your racing thoughts. Like breathwork, you may want to start with a guided meditation to help quiet your mind, particularly if you’re new to meditation.

Drink Some Water
Sometimes, a glass of water or a cup of tea can work wonders to help you feel better. It may turn out that some of the stressful feelings are connected to dehydration (like dizziness), but even if that isn’t the case, the break to prepare a cup of tea or get a fresh cup of water can also offer a slight reset.

Just as we may not realize we’re dehydrated during stressful events or situations, we may lose track of our hunger signals. If you’re feeling incredibly overwhelmed and haven’t had anything to eat recently, taking a break for a snack or a meal may be exactly what you need to feel better.

Chew Gum
Having a piece of gum in a moment of high stress may not sound helpful or useful, but studies have linked chewing gum to reduced stress and anxiety. So, it might be worth testing out the next time you find yourself tensing up or feeling overwhelmed.

Find a Distraction
Taking your mind off what’s stressing you out can allow you to achieve a calmer state of mind. Try doing something distracting, like playing a casino game online (check out the full source here for suggestions), watching a funny video, or binging a show you love.

Talk With a Friend or Loved One
Connecting with others is always a beneficial way to work through a stressful event or feeling overwhelmed; it’s also generally good for our well-being. If you need help calming down from stress, pick up the phone and arrange a meeting with someone you love. Even if you can’t meet them in person, just talking on the phone can do wonders to calm your mind.

Cuddle Your Pet
Anyone with a pet knows they can make you feel much better just by being in the same room. It’s not just pet owners who have found this. Studies have found that spending time with animals reduces stress levels by lowering cortisol and blood pressure.

Use Aromatherapy
Surrounding yourself with comforting scents through essential oils, body oils, candles, or diffusers can help boost your mood and improve your frame of mind. Consider using one of these scent-rich experiences to help you cope during a stressful time or situation.

Do Something Creative or Fully Engaging
Activities such as painting, knitting, completing a puzzle, or gardening can help calm us. They require our full attention and manual work to complete, which has been linked to reduced feelings of stress as well as reduced physical stress responses like blood pressure and cortisol levels.

Listen to or Make Music
Music has a profound effect on our emotions, and it’s a helpful way to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Whether you’re a musician playing an instrument or a listener enjoying your favourite songs, music can help you cope with the stress you experience.

Be Kind to Yourself
If a friend came to you during a stressful situation, you’d likely be supportive and compassionate to help them work through it. This is something to remember when you’re experiencing stress, too. Rather than adding to the stress, be kind to yourself and help yourself regain calmness like you would someone you love.

These methods for restoring feelings of calm are useful when you’re in a stressful situation. They’re healthy ways of coping with a negative situation that helps you care for yourself, something that we all should prioritize.

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