Color & Control:

In The News

Dating on LinkedIn

Looking for love is a common online occupation these days for people of all ages and walks of life. The ease and relative privacy of direct messaging help explain how some people are using LinkedIn for romance, but it doesn’t explain why. 

One answer may be the tiring roulette-like experience that comes with modern dating apps. LinkedIn’s appeal as a dating site, according to some, is the platform’s ability to give back some of that control and boost the caliber of their prospects and it offers a layer of credibility—real people with real profile pages. Its also a go-to tool for vetting romantic candidates found through conventional dating apps or in-person encounters.

The internet has blurred boundaries between people’s professional and personal lives for years but, it must be used with caution or it could backfire, experts suggest. “If someone is willing to take their time and let the initial professional connection evolve in a way that is mutually respectful, and they want to go the next step—which might mean an introductory phone or Zoom call, or an in-person meeting in a safe public place—hopefully it is a win-win.”

Source: Business Insider

Are some fruits healthier?

There’s a dizzying array of fruits available year-round in all shapes, colours and sizes. Most of us have heard we are supposed to eat five services of fruit and vegetables a day—but so certain fruits have better nutrient value than others?  

And certain fruits are also high in flavonoids. This is a diverse group of compounds, some of which are potent antioxidants that protect against oxidative damage and may reduce the risk of certain diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. 

Things to know include:
• Always wash your fruit before eating it to remove residual pesticides and, know that besides nutrients
• One cup of fruit juice has more sugar that “whole fruit”
• It is better to eat fruit than drink it
• Limit yourself to only 1 cup a day of 100% juice
• Consider dried fruits but watch for added sulphites or sugar
• Blackberries, blueberries, cranberries and cherries are high in the anthocyanidins class of flavonoids
• Citrus fruits, strawberries and kiwi are high in Vitamin C
• Avocado has potassium and healthy fats 
• Cantaloupes delivers Vitamin A
• Raspberries, bananas and honeydew offer potassium. 

Source: Harvard Health

A real nightmare

You know that recurring nightmare—the one where you find out there’s a math test worth 90% of your grade, but you didn’t even know about the class? Unfortunately, we have a scarier scenario: working… while you’re asleep. The worst part about this one? It might be real.

Tech start-up Prophetic has already raised $1m+ to develop a headpiece called the Halo, which the company says could one day allow users to control their dreams. If tech could help individuals harness lucid dreams, they would—in theory—be able to induce them on demand and use that time productively (e.g., on a work project). In fact, enthusiasts believe lucid dreams can help people solve complex problems and access untapped creativity.

Halo’s worn like a crown and releases sound waves into the region of the brain responsible for lucid dreams. The beams will then activate parts of the brain that control our awareness and decision-making. The product’s tech is based on ongoing research from the Donders Institute in the Netherlands.

Whether dreams come true remains to be seen, but we’d like our day jobs to stay out of our dreams.


Photos: Andrea Piaquadio. Ola Dappo.

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