Skip the banana
Love sipping on smoothies? Guess what? The fruits you blend can change how your body uses the ‘good stuff’, called flavanols, which are known for their antioxidant properties and are good for your heart and brain. Research has found that adding banana decreases the level of flavanols your body can absorb, so consider leaving it out of your next smoothie creation. To get the most out of your blend, consider combining flavanol-rich fruits like berries with other ingredients like pineapple, oranges, mango and yogurt that boost the absorption in the body.

Nomophobia: A modern worry
Nomophobia, short for ‘NO MObile PHOne phoBIA’, is the fear of being without your phone, and it’s linked to how much we rely on technology. If you’re feeling jittery, having trouble breathing, or feeling lost without your phone, you might be experiencing it. Researchers aren’t exactly sure where it comes from, but they do know it’s related to other anxiety conditions. While treatments are still new and not standardized, doctors and psychologists suggest talking to a therapist, joining support groups, or practicing self-care.

Sleep and the gut
A study found that prolonged, severe sleep loss could be lethal. In an experiment involving sleep-deprived flies and mice, scientists discovered that prior to death, both species experienced an accumulation of molecules in the gut called reactive oxygen species (ROS). When given compounds that neutralized the gut, each recovered and went on to live regular lives which suggests some animals could live without sleep if this gut interference happens.
Images: CanStock. iStock. Freepik. Anna Shvets.