Thumbs up…to Love & Nudes for their breast cancer screening bras. The Canadian brands educational Stage Zero Collection consists of bra cups that mimic the signs of symptoms of breast cancer in people with dark skin. Designed to educate women and help them recognize the symptoms early, you can read more at

Thumbs down…to WheelTrans for forcing existing users to re-register for services and prove their ongoing qualifications. A TTC spokesperson told the Star that “the chances are based on the AODA guidelines and help ensure equity.”

Thumbs up…to Girl Guides of Canada to rename its Brownies program to be more inclusive. The organization wants to remove barriers for racialized girls and women.
Source: CBC

Thumbs down…to the Australian policeman who tasered and critically injured a 95-year-old who was a nursing home resident. The resident had a steak knife but the officer has been accused of overreacting and suspended. The resident has since died.

Thumbs up…to reducing Hair bias as Dove and LinkedIn partner to eliminate prejudices surrounding natural hair and protective styles that continue to affect Black woman. Their program seeks to educate one million hiring managers.